Papers #4
Papers #4
Papers #14
Papers #14
Papers #19
Papers #19
Papers #9
Papers #9
Papers 16
Papers 16
Papers #11
Papers #11
Papers #7
Papers #7
Papers #3
Papers #3
Papers #6
Papers #6
Find the Magic / Detail of Papers #6
Find the Magic / Detail of Papers #6
Papers #5
Papers #5
Papers #1 - #3 (clockwise from upper right)
Papers #1 - #3 (clockwise from upper right)
Papers #3 (left), #1 (top middle), #2 (bottom middle), #4 right
Papers #3 (left), #1 (top middle), #2 (bottom middle), #4 right
Papers #4
Papers #430 x 22Gouache, acrylic, ink and assorted papers on watercolor paper
Papers #14
Papers #14Gouache, watercolor, found paper, pastel on watercolor paper, 12 3/4 x 22, 2016
Papers #19
Papers #19 Gouache, acrylic, watercolor, papers, pen, and pencil on watercolor paper, 14.5 x 10, 2016
Papers #9
Papers #9Gouache, watercolor, glitter, found photograph, tempura, acrylic, on paper, 2016, 10 x 14
Papers 16
Papers 16Gouache, tempera, pencil, found papers on watercolor paper2016, 12 x 16
Papers #11
Papers #11Gouache, acrylic, tempera, found photograph & papers, pen, and pencil on birch panel, 16 x 20, 2016
Papers #7
Papers #7Mixed media, gouache, acrylic on birch panel, 20 x 30, 2016
Papers #3
Papers #322 x 30, 2015acrylic, gouache, ink and pencil on watercolor paper
Papers #6
Papers #6Gouache, acrylic, glitter, found papers, pen, and pencil on birch panel, 18 x 24, 2016
Find the Magic / Detail of Papers #6
Find the Magic / Detail of Papers #6Gouache, acrylic, glitter, found papers, pen, and pencil on birch panel, 5 x 7 detail of original 18 x 24 piece, 2016
Papers #5
Papers #530 x 22, 2016acrylic, gouache, pencil, ink on watercolor paper
Papers #1 - #3 (clockwise from upper right)
Papers #1 - #3 (clockwise from upper right) On view at the Richmond Art Center summer 2016
Papers #3 (left), #1 (top middle), #2 (bottom middle), #4 right
Papers #3 (left), #1 (top middle), #2 (bottom middle), #4 rightOn view at the Richmond Art Center summer 2016
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